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Shengtao Wang and Jonathan Wurtz – QuEra Computing

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August 26, 2024
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Shengtao Wang, Quantum Algorithms and Applications manager at QuEra, and Jonathan Wurtz, a Senior Scientist in his group, are my guests on This week’s Superposition Guy’s Podcast. We delve into their work at QuEra, focusing on quantum algorithm development and the applications of neutral atom quantum computers. Shengtao shares insights on the evolving landscape of quantum computing, including recent breakthroughs in error correction and fault tolerance. We explore the potential of quantum computers to solve quantum problems, particularly in chemistry and materials science. Jonathan discusses the importance of hybrid quantum-classical systems and the need for creative algorithm development to leverage quantum devices. Together, we reflect on the future of quantum computing, the potential of neutral atoms, and what it will take for quantum technology to achieve practical utility. We also explore the skills needed for careers in quantum computing, the challenges of scaling quantum applications, and much more.

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Shengtao Wang
Quantum Algorithms and Applications Manger
Jonathan Wurtz
Senior Quantum Scientist
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