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Insights from the Quantum Era - March 2023

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March 16, 2023
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Here are some scientific papers that caught our eye this month:

SimuQ: A Domain-Specific Language for Quantum Simulation with Analog Compilation

Analog quantum computing is, somewhat paradoxically, at its infancy in comparison with gate-based approaches. But great strides are being made! In particular, this introduces a general framework for analog compilation that will ultimately enable problems to be encoded and executed on different analog devices. Extra brownie points from QuEra for this one, as the authors used Bloqade for some of their demonstrations!

Read on ArXiv

Suppressing quantum errors by scaling a surface code logical qubit

A big month for advances in error correction and fault tolerance. Google’s team demonstration of logical qubits performance scaling and overcoming additional errors from increasing qubit number on their sycamore device series will certainly be much discussed in the field. It is also important to note this work is being closely followed by an earlier result from last November when a Yale-Sherbrooke team reported stabilized logical qubits on resonators, a slightly different superconducting qubit architecture (so far available on the arXiv).

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Quantum Optimization with Arbitrary Connectivity Using Rydberg Atom Arrays

Highlighting one of our own, February has seen the publication of our fully peer-reviewed article on encodings for arbitrary optimization problems in neutral-atom systems. The introduction of the concepts of encoding gadgets will certainly feature many more uses in the future, enabling even more hardware-efficient applications!

For more in-depth information, visit the recording of our webinar exploring these results and more in detail here.

Read on PRX Quantum

Reservoir-based deterministic loading of single-atom tweezer arrays

Wrapping up, a hardware-related paper showing how to perform continuous reloading of neutral atoms, demonstrating a venue to improve atom losses and data rates of the tech drastically. The method cleverly creates an extra reservoir of atoms bound to a dipole trap, decoupled from a dedicated single-atom supply region via a buffer trap. Atoms from this buffer trap are then deterministically repositioned to generate arbitrary 2D qubit registers. This is a great step towards continuously operated neutral-atom quantum computers and definitely a relevant achievement for future fault-tolerant architectures.

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